Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Today the laSt dAe oF eXaM !!!!
tOda tEsT OrAl...
I'm dA fIrsT onE tO teSt Lehz...
ChaO nErvOus de....
WhY EveRyTiMe So nErvoUs duriNg oRal???
TaO yAn LeHz...DoWn theRe so NeRvous...
EveN mIss TeH cAn seE iT aNd cAll me Not tO bE nErVoUs....
NvM nOw OveR le....
YiPeE!!!CaN ReLaX nOW Le...
BuT StiLL ScaRed AboUt My rEsUlt...
WiSh cAn gEt InTo GoOd ClaSs...
tHe ClaSs tHaT i WanNa gEt t0...
n0 confIdeNcE thAt i can Get tO 3e1 oR eVen 3e4 Lehz....
mE so bOred then Type uNtil LiKe ThAt de...
tOda MiSs MaK cAll m3 to pasS uP tH3 mAtH FiLe ....
Me pAck uNtil maRcH onLy l3hz...deN ne3d t0 quiCkLy pAck...
tMl nO paper dAe but stIlL tO gO scH...
juSt To PaSs uP the PaPer....
Posted at 10/11/2005 07:28:00 PM